A home to reavers and rakes, sorcerers and slayers, undead king and undying things—expanding a page at a time in the stories added by its authors
In the Once Lands, a lineage of sorcerous wayfinders work to keep godlike monstrosities locked behind the crumbling walls of cursed cities by allowing the vengeful ghosts of forest gods to inhabit their living flesh.
In the wild wastes, tribes of cannibal huntresses fight to balance the old ways and new in a struggle to keep their culture alive by trading in death.
In the sprawling city of Khyber, ambitions dance on sword edges while clans of thieves and reavers clutch at power.
Welcome to Shared World.
About the Authors

Jonathan Ball
JONATHAN BALL is the owner of Stranger Fiction, a publisher that develops its own stories and also provides creative services to other independent publishers and producers.
He has won numerous awards for his many books, and holds a PhD with twin focuses in Creative Writing and Canadian Literature. He lives in Winnipeg, where he teaches serious writers what the MFA didn’t.
Jonathan hosts a podcast for writers called Writing the Wrong Way and writes a regular newsletter called Strange Ink that features original fiction and poetry, tips for writers, and thoughts on making a career as a creative person.
Visit strangeink.ca to keep in touch!

GMB Chomichuk
GMB CHOMICHUK is an award-winning writer and illustrator whose work has appeared in comics, graphic novels, books, role-playing games, film, television, and theatre. He is also the host of Super Pulp Science, a podcast about how genre gets made.
Gregory’s work in words and pictures ranges from the heartwarming to the bloodcurdling. His other books include Apocrypha: The Legend of Babymetal from Z2, Will I See? from Portage & Main Press, The Automatic Age and Back- bone of Night from Great Plains Press, The Eye Collector from Heavy Metal, Dragon Nanny from Chasing Artwork, and Dead Work from The Dead Work Collective.
Visit Gregory online at gmbchomichuk.ca.

James Gillespie
JAMES GILLESPIE is an award-winning Graphic Designer and Art Director for Canada’s History Society, coordinating the publications Canada’s History and Kayak: Canada’s History Magazine for Kids. He has also contributed illustrations to both magazines.
Although James spends most of his time working behind the scenes with illustrators across Canada to bring the stories of our past to life, he is very excited to be working on the Shared World project with his fellow creators.

Chadwick Ginther
CHADWICK GINTHER is the author of the Thunder Road trilogy, Graveyard Mind, and over thirty short stories. His story “All Cats Go to Valhalla” won the 2021 Prix Aurora Award for Best Short Story, and his short fiction has appeared in numerous magazines and anthologies.
Chadwick’s novels have won the Mary Scorer Award for Best First Book by a Manitoba publisher and the Michael Van Rooy Award for Genre Fiction and been nominated for the Prix Aurora Award for Best Novel, the Eileen McTavish Sykes Award for Best First Book by a Manitoba Author, the Carol Shields Winnipeg Book Award, and the Margaret Laurence Award for Fiction.
A bookseller for over a twenty years, when he’s not writing books he’s reading them. Chadwick lives and writes in Winnipeg, Canada, spinning sagas set in the wild spaces of Canada’s western wilderness where surely monsters must exist.
Find him online at chadwickginther.com.
Be sure to check out Khyber featuring his stories from Shared World, plus more!